On occasion, social media propels one of these scams to viral fame. Facebook, as the grandaddy of social media, is a particularly fertile breeding ground for misinformation. According to Facebook users, we're going to have to pay for Facebook; Facebook is shutting down; we need to post a ridiculous legalese privacy notice on our timelines to protect our data; and Morgan Freeman is dead.
While we realize Mashable readers are among the most savvy social media users on the web, consider sharing the following list of tips and reminders with your friends and family. If we all work together to identify and inhibit these fallacies, we can nurture a smarter and more useful Internet for ourselves and posterity.
1. Be Part of the Solution
Now that social media has turned most of us into citizen journalists of sorts, we must assume the responsibilities of the trade. That means everyone who enjoys the benefits of sharing must also actively attempt to make the Internet a space for truth and accuracy. Misinformation is insidious, and it can be very harmful.As Winston Churchill said:
"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.""A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
In the early stages of the shooting at Sandy Hook, mistaken reports surfaced that the shooter was Ryan Lanza, the actual shooter's brother. Immediately journalists, both pro and amateur, began sharing Ryan Lanza's Facebook picture. Moments later, hate groups started springing up. Facebook is the new court of public opinion, and it had all but convicted an innocent man of a heinous crime.
This situation obviously wasn't a premeditated hoax, but it is the type of situation newly anointed citizen journalists need to handle responsibly. The first step is to take ownership of that substantial responsibility.
2. Scrutinize the Source
Unless you witnessed something firsthand, you can never be absolutely sure that it happened (and research shows even eyewitness testimony can be dodgy). From playing the game "Telephone" as children, we all know that information gets warped and loses accuracy each time a story is told and retold. For these reasons, it's always good to maintain a healthy sense of skepticism when considering stories you hear, from the remarkable to the banal.That being said, we have been on Facebook long enough at this point to know how our friends act on social media. Everyone has a few friends who are social media rockstars. They share current and pertinent content on a daily basis. Everyone also has a few friends who are, to put it gently, more likely to share viral misinformation.
Above, my friend and colleague Alex Fitzpatrick shares an important bit of information. Being a pro journalist, he also provides the source of the information. If only it was always this easy.
3. Cross-Check the Information
Don't absentmindedly hit the re-share button. If you have any doubt that something might not be true, it's you're responsibility to get to the bottom of it.Start with a Google search. Has the information been reported by a reputable media organization?
Odds are you're not getting paid for your work on social media. It's not your responsibility to get the story first; it's your responsibility to get it right.
Sometimes a bit of critical thinking is all it takes. When Facebook charlatan Nolan Daniels posted a fake picture of himself with the "winning" Powerball ticket, Gawker debunked him by pointing out that, if the ticket was real, the numbers would list from lowest to highest.
In another scam, many felt compelled to post a fake privacy notice on their timelines, hoping it would protect their Facebook data.
The hoax was successful for two reasons. First, it touched on something most people are particularly cognizant of and concerned with: privacy in the age of social media. Secondly, the spam spread because, well, we're not all expert lawyers.
To avoid falling for this type of hoax in the future, check one of the many news sites that covers social media. Those outlets will certainly have reporters assessing the veracity of any viral content.
Or you could have just asked Boromir.
4. Share Your Findings With Others
Not only should you avoid sharing misinformation; you should actively try to debunk it. If you've done your homework and found that a rumor is false, share it with your friends.If you notice a specific friend endorsing a potentially embarrassing sham, don't correct the person via comment. Send a private message notifying him or her of the mistake.
5. Report to Facebook
Posting lies is not necessarily against Facebook's terms of service, which read:"You will not use Facebook to do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious or discriminatory.""You will not use Facebook to do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious or discriminatory."
True, it does say the word "misleading." But at the same time, Facebook has not removed the Morgan Freeman tribute page, which is certainly misleading.
In any event, if you see a hoax spreading, it can't hurt to report it. If enough people do so, Facebook may take action — particularly if the misinformation is potentially harmful.
To do so, click the downward arrow on the top-right corner of the Facebook post (the arrow is invisible until you roll over it) and select the appropriate action.
6. Work Together
Social Media Journalism 101 is only a starting point from which we can begin to correct and prevent misinformation. For the benefit of all, share your own pro tips in the comment section below.Photos via iStockphoto, LeicaFoto and Facebook
BONUS: 8 Social Media Hoaxes You Fell for This Year
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